Packing a Kids Room

Packing a Kids Room: Moving can be a stressful time for the entire family, especially when it comes to packing a kid’s room. Toys, books, clothes, and keepsakes can quickly become overwhelming without a solid plan. Movers Legion Seattle WA is here to help you make the process as seamless as possible. Follow these tips and tricks to efficiently pack your kids’ room and ensure a smooth transition to your new home.

Packing a Kids Room

1. Get Your Kids Involved

Make It Fun

Turn packing into a fun activity by involving your children. Let them help with sorting and packing their items. This can make them feel more in control and less anxious about the move.

Create a Game

Create a packing game with small rewards for completing tasks. For example, see who can pack the most toys in 10 minutes or who can sort clothes the fastest. This keeps the process engaging and enjoyable.

2. Sort and Declutter

Declutter Together

Before you start packing, go through the room with your child and decide what to keep, donate, or throw away. This is a great opportunity to get rid of outgrown clothes, broken toys, and unused items.

Donate Gently Used Items

Encourage your child to donate toys and clothes they no longer need. Explain how these items can help other children, which can make the process more meaningful for them.

3. Organize and Label

Use Color-Coded Labels

Use color-coded labels for different categories such as toys, books, clothes, and keepsakes. This makes unpacking easier and ensures that everything ends up in the right place in your new home.

Label Boxes Clearly

Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. Include your child’s name if you have multiple kids, to avoid confusion during unpacking.

4. Pack Smart

Use the Right Supplies

Invest in sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, and packing paper to protect your child’s belongings. Specially designed wardrobe boxes can make packing clothes easier and prevent wrinkles.

Pack Essentials Separately

Pack a separate box or bag with essentials your child will need immediately upon arrival. This might include favorite toys, pajamas, a change of clothes, toiletries, and any comfort items they may need to feel at home.

5. Protect Valuables and Fragiles

Wrap Fragile Items

Use bubble wrap or packing paper to protect fragile items like picture frames, trophies, and delicate toys. Place these items in sturdy boxes and fill any empty spaces with packing peanuts or crumpled paper to prevent shifting.

Secure Toys with Small Parts

For toys with small parts or pieces, use resealable plastic bags to keep everything together. Label the bags to make it easy to find all the parts when you’re ready to unpack.

6. Create a Moving Day Plan

Keep Favorite Items Accessible

Keep a few favorite toys or comfort items accessible during the move. This can help keep your child entertained and comforted during the transition.

Plan for Moving Day

Have a plan for moving day that includes keeping your child occupied and out of the way of the movers. Consider arranging for childcare or setting up a safe play area in an empty room.

7. Unpack and Settle In

Unpack Kids’ Rooms First

Once you arrive at your new home, prioritize unpacking your kids’ rooms. This helps them settle in quickly and creates a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of moving.

Involve Your Child

Let your child help set up their new room. Allow them to decide where to place their toys, books, and decorations. This can make the new space feel like their own and help them adjust to the change.


Packing a kid’s room doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a bit of planning, organization, and creativity, you can make the process smooth and stress-free. Movers Legion Seattle WA is here to assist you with professional moving services designed to handle every aspect of your move.

Contact us today for a free quote and let us help you make your next move a success.


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